Geçici Bel ve Bacak Dövme Tattoo
Geçici Bel ve Bacak Dövme Tattoo
Geçici Bel ve Bacak Dövme Tattoo

Temporary waist and leg tattoo tattoo

Stock Amount : 1240
Barkod : 8699000129006

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Our models do not pass water. We ask that ablution areas take into account this issue. (You can remove it with hot water.)

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Size: 5.5*37 cm.
You can apply to the region you want in your body according to the size of the product.
Weight: 6.7 gr.
Natural Naturel looking, average 2 weeks permanent arm tattoo
Permanence time varies depending on whether your skin is oily and dry.
The package content is exactly the same as the visual.
** Opened packages exposed to moist, sunlight or air conditioner deteriorate.
Tattoo Preparation
Make sure that the area you will apply is clean, dry, & nbsp; without cream and lean. Make sure that there is no preventive element of the tattoo, such as hair, feather. Remove the gelatin on it and paste it to look at your tattoo skin. Press with a wet towel or wet cloth on the paper for a few seconds. In the meantime, be careful not to slide the paper. Remove the paper from your skin. Your tattoo is ready. Please do not rub as long as the tattoo remains on your skin. After the application, 20 minutes. Do not stretch your skin and let it dry. If you want to remove, rub with baby oil, olive oil or wet wipes. I hope you will be satisfied using it...

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