Geçici Silah, Yıldız ve Yazılı Dövme Tattoo
Geçici Silah, Yıldız ve Yazılı Dövme Tattoo
Geçici Silah, Yıldız ve Yazılı Dövme Tattoo

Temporary weapon, star and written tattoo tattoo

Price : ₺34,99(Vat included)
Stock Amount : 995
Barkod : 8699000270494
₺4,25 With install ments starting from

Size: 9 * 19 cm.
You can apply to the desired area in your body according to the size of the product.
Weight: 5.4 gr.
Natural Naturel-looking, average 2 weeks permanent arm tattoo
permanent arm tattoo
The duration varies according to the oily and dry of your skin.
Package content is the same one in the visible to appear in the visual.
** The opened packages exposed to damp, sunlight or air conditioner are distorted.
Tattoo Construction
Practice The application is clean, dry, & nbsp; Observe to be creamless and lean. Bristle, make sure that the tattoo-like tattoo is not a blocking element. & Nbsp; Cut the colorwise from the closest possible part to which the tattoo will apply to exactly what region. Remove the gelat on it and paste the tattoo facing your skin. Press the wet towel or wet cloth for a few seconds. Meanwhile be careful not to scroll the paper. Remove the paper from your skin. Your tattoo is ready. Please don't rub as long as you stay on your tattoo skin. 20 mins after the app. Do not stretch and dry your skin. If you want to remove, rub with baby oil, olive oil or wet wipes. Use good-bye ...
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